Are you interested in coaching a CYO team in the Fall?

Please complete our Coaching Registration form linked below to ensure that we keep you in the loop for the upcoming CYO season.

By completing the registration, we’ll make sure you receive all coach related emails as well as consideration for a coaching spot.

Please complete soon so you don’t miss out.

Also, If you need to complete your fingerprinting process, you can sign up with the link below to come to the school’s fingerprinting event. It’s on July 25 starting at 8:30am. Please add a note to your sign up saying you are a coach for the parish. You will need the fingerprinting form from the parish and bring your current driver’s license to your appointment.

Basketball and strategy board standing on wooden surface.

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Cote on June 29, 2023 at 12:57 pm

    6th Boys and 4th Girls

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